Redefining the Problem

Today Jackie and I found out that one way to answer yesterday’s question is to, well, redefine the problem. We had the opportunity to meet with Sorin Grama, Co-Founder of Promethean Power and Greentown Labs. He was very helpful – and patient with us, too – as we...
Tufts $100K Final Presentation

Tufts $100K Final Presentation

We came, we presented, we fielded questions, but unfortunately, we didn’t leave with any money. Bummer. But I do think that the entire experience gave our team a lot to think about. Thanks, Tufts, for organizing the event!
Legatum Seed Grant Poster Presentation

Legatum Seed Grant Poster Presentation

As Legatum IAP Seed Grant winners, we had the opportunity to present a poster following one of the Legatum lectures! We made a few interesting contacts – particularly with a Danish man who is interested in innovations. Interesting, the types of people you meet...